
Tears for Thailand

Hard to believe the next few blog posts to get everyone updated on my past travel adventures in Vietnam and Thailand won’t be posted from Thailand anymore. I’m sitting in the Hong Kong airport, 4 more hours to go until I board my flight to San Francisco.  I can’t believe I’ll be in America come 17 ish hours. These last 6 months in Thailand have flown by. At first I didn’t think I would get so emotional when it came time to leave the place I’ve called home for the past 6 months, but I definitely experienced differently.  It was a very emotional day/2 days saying my good-byes to all the friends I’ve met while teaching in Thailand. After wrapping up my travels down south in Koh Phangan for the Full Moon Party with a big group of girls, including Jaci!, I had to say my good-byes to the girls. The night before I left, they presented me with a mini photo album of printed pictures of all of us in Thailand along with  “For the Plane” notes. I waited to read them on my flight from Bangkok to Hong Kong. It was soooo sweet of them to put this all together for me. Olivia and I are the only ones out of the group of girls leaving after 6 months of teaching; they all really wish I would be staying for another semester of teaching and more travel adventures. It’s always sad to have someone leave L Unfortunately, I’ll have to wait to see them all when they come back to the States. The notes they wrote to me made me cry….. and made me really realize what great friendships I’ve made during these past 6 months. It’s sad to have to leave, but I’m optimistic that we will all meet again in the future. I’ll never forget this experience teaching in Thailand has given me, educationally and friendship wise. I had a warm farewell today at the Bangkok airport as well. Katie decided to send me off along with my coordinator Toon and another English teacher, See. Lun, my favorite school van driver even drove me to the airport. That definitely made the trip worthwhile! I love listening to his laugh. I even caught some of it on video J We couldn’t make the good-bye official without stopping at Amazon Café, our frequently visited coffee shop in Bangplama, to get one last Amazon Special coffee, some bean desserts to bring back to the U.S., and say good-bye to our coffee girls.

Overall, it was a very emotional day saying good-bye to the people in Bangplama that made my experience in Thailand so meaningful. It’s going to be strange not seeing Katie every day, like I’m so accustomed to. I’m going to miss her!  It will also be weird not waking up to rice fields and a beautiful sunrise every morning. I’m really going to miss the delicious smells and tastes of Thailand along with the all their friendly, smiling faces.  I hope someday I will be able to travel again in Thailand. I will always consider it my second home….. I’m really going to miss it here.

1 comment:

  1. first. i'm stealing your pictures. second. you almost made me cry.
